learn how to get published now with
“You Can Be a Winning Writer”
#1 Amazon New Release!
So you want to publish a best seller?
You can learn to be a successful author ─ the 4 C’s approach to successful authorship: Joan Gelfand, author of You Can Be A Winning Writer, has been teaching the 4 C’s to aspiring authors at book festivals and writer’s conferences for the past ten years, and helping writers around the country realize their dreams of becoming successfully published. Joan has taught her 4 C’s method for becoming a successful author to college professors, CEO’s, doctors, ghostwriters, poets, and playwrights.
On writing well:
From first draft to building a reputation, the 4 C’s discusses craft, commitment and gives solid tips on how to build a literary community and a fan base. Unfortunately, becoming a successfully published author does not stop with mastering craft, commitment and even building a community. Confidence is key, and Joan tackles this sensitive subject that keeps writers unpublished and manuscripts in the drawer. With the help of Renate Stendhal, Ph.D., Joan defines clear steps writers can take to overcome the demon of lack of confidence.
Writing strategies book filled with authorship and publishing tips:
With a splash of humor, a dose of empathy and a volume of support, mastering the 4 C’s includes real life anecdotes from famous and not so famous ─ but successful authors. You Can Be A Winning Writer is the go-to book for writers just starting out, to writers stalled after their first or second book, and for students. The 4 C’s wisdom and stories will inspire and encourage.
You Can Be A Winning Writer includes:
Post-publication strategies
The mistakes that even the most talented prize-winning authors have made
How, with the help of the 4 C’s, those same authors could have enjoyed greater success
What it means to ‘fire on all burners” and work to develop each of the 4 C’s simultaneously